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Meet the Team


Nik Tyrrell. Club Founder. 

Nik has been active in the hobby since 2001. He started playing the Lord of the Rings Strategy Battles game and has been hooked since. These days he plays a lot of games, both miniatures, as well as board and card games. His role in the club is administration and organisation, social media and gaming when the time allows. Nik is always happy to chat and welcome all to the Wirral Wargaming Club. 


Alistair Vowles. Club Founder.

Alistair has been involved in the wargaming hobby for over 25 years, starting as many do with Games Workshop games and miniatures. In that time he's worked in the industry in a rules design and creative background. Alistair is also an active competitive gamer who has been involved with the tournament scenes of various games over the years. Currently he's playing Kings of War, Middle Earth Strategy Battle, Age of Sigmar, Necromunda and Bloodbowl.


David Curl. Club Founder. 

Dave is relatively new to the hobby, having started playing the X Wing Miniatures game approximately two years ago. He has also played Star Wars Imperial Assault, Star Wars Destiny and more recently, The Walking Dead Miniatures game. Dave is looking to broaden his gaming and hobby horizons and will feature as a key founding member of the Club Staff, offering assistance and input as and when required. Dave is always willing to try new games, with Middle Earth Strategy Battles next on the horizon. 

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